Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tisk, tisk Timeshare Salesman... Why didn't you tell me about this?

First, nobody is really ever in the "market" for a timeshare purchase, but assuming you got into the final purchasing phase of the sales presentation you will notice though the course of your ownership that the nicely dressed lady or gentleman that you bought from forgot to mention a few things. They are very good at telling you all the so called benefits of ownership, but not so good at warning of the huge drawbacks that might have made you rethink purchasing that unit in the first place. The following list is more or less universal regardless of the quality of the actual property and has much more to do with the nature of the contracts and the structure of an industry that thrives on half truths to sell vacation plans. Below are some of the secrets that the timeshare industry conveniently fails to mention when they talk so grandly about timeshare units:

Timeshare Units NOT an Investment

With all investments the person making the investment has to consider the risks and the potential financial upside of their transactions before acting on the opportunity. Unfortunately, there is never financial upside with a timeshare unit, so calling it an investment is not only wrong, but dishonest if used as a selling point. Timeshares are an "asset" (I use that word cautiously) that has immediate depreciation 100% of the time. Since timeshares are not physical assets but rather time, they can be sold over and over and over. The law of supply and demand dictates that because of the common practice of overselling units the inventory is so great, that the units are all but worthless the day they are sold. In actuality, the timeshare contract is merely a dividend that you purchased for the resort which guarantees you will pay them an escalating amount either monthly, quarterly, or annually. So, yes we have purchased a bill that not only cannot be sold, but we cannot even give away. Timeshares are the ultimate worst "investment" a family can make.

The Exact Timeshare You are Looking at is Available for $1 or even FREE

Timeshares are all but impossible to sell at any price and almost as difficult to give away. Any timeshare you could find yourself wanting can be had on eBay for $0.99 or from a friend for free, just so the current dissatisfied owner can dump the maintenance fees. By simply searching the timeshare resale market and buying from an owner instead of the timeshare resort, you can find the exact same timeshare unit for FREE or almost FREE. Remember though, that once you get this "free" unit you will be obligated to pay maintenance fees for the rest of your natural life. That translates into a very expensive FREE decision.

You Will Likely Never Be Able to Sell It - Ever

Who wants to be obligated to a vacation cost every year; even the years that one doesn't vacation? I'll answer that - nobody. If you think back to when you were sold your unit, you probably didn't seek out the person that sold it to you, they probably found you and gave you free gifts just for the chance to sell you something they knew you wouldn't want. People don't wake up one morning and say "you know, I think I want to spend $15,000 on a timeshare today and then pay maintenance on it forever." The sad truth is if timeshares sold, companies like SellMyTimeshare and Timeshares Only would only charge you when they found a buyer. But they charge upfront fees because they know if they charged when it was actually purchased they would likely never make a commission! The resale market is almost nonexistent. For every timeshare that is even transfered to another person in the secondary market there are tens of thousands of owners stuck in their unit that will never sell because nobody wants a bill when they can rent the same unit for less money without an obligation.

You Can Rent the Exact Same Timeshare Unit for Less

Part of the timeshare ownership process occurs when owners find that they will likely never sell their unit and that listing and resale companies are ripoffs the owners try to rent it out to recover at least a potion of the maintenance fees on their unit. It is common that you can rent any week you want at the exact same resort for less than it would cost to own the same timeshare unit without any of the associated risks that come with owning a timeshare.

Timeshares Come with a lot of Hidden Risks

In addition to yearly maintenance fees, timeshares also come with special assessment fees. These special assessment fees are usually to cover unexpected costs. When you purchase a timeshare unit, you purchase a part of that timeshare resort. That means that if there is any type of problem or disaster which results in damage to the timeshare building, you are responsible for a portion of the rebuilding costs. Timeshare resorts should retain adequate insurance, but they don't always do so for every disaster that may occur due to cost. This leaves you responsible for covering these losses if the unfortunate should happen.

Trading A timeshare Isn't as Easy as Claimed

Timeshare sales representatives will make it sound like you will be able to easily trade your timeshare unit with others around the world. The reality is that it's rarely as easy to exchange as you were lead to believe, and if you are lucky enough to make a trade, you will often have to pay additional fees to make it happen. If you won't be going to the exact same spot year after year, it's not in your financial interest to purchase a timeshare.

Hotel Prices Will Increase, But So Will Timeshare Fees

Another trick timeshare sales representatives use is to explain how much hotel prices are increasing and then tell you that your time share will still be the same price 15 years from now. What they fail to explain is that the timeshare yearly fees are not locked at the current rate and will also likely increase with time. There will also likely be special assessment fees added so the timeshare can be upgraded to keep up with newer competition. This means all that money you were supposed to save is unlikely to ever materialize. 

What to do?

Contact the representatives at Immediate Acquisitions, LLC. The representatives at Immediate Acquisitions do not charge an upfront fee for their services. Contact their offices and if you accept their offer to acquire your unit will go immediately into closing. There is no waiting for a buyer, because IAG acquires the units directly. All closing fees are paid after the unit is closed, and the transfer is 100% completed at both the county and resort level.

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